City Car

Case overview

For “City Car”, a well-established car dealership and rent-a-car agency, modernizing their online presence was essential. Their reputation was built on providing excellent customer service and offering a wide range of high-quality vehicles.

However, their website did not reflect the high standard they set in the physical world. They needed a site that was both functional and aesthetically pleasing to cater to the evolving digital consumer landscape.

The Brief

City Car wanted a website that would be:

  1. Mobile responsive, ensuring easy access for clients on the go.
  2. User-friendly, facilitating seamless navigation for potential clients from browsing to booking.
  3. Reflective of their brand’s values and identity, thereby solidifying their online branding.
  4. Equipped with a secure and efficient booking system for the rent-a-car segment of their business.

Our Approach

  1. Discovery & Research: Before diving into design and development, we conducted extensive market research to understand the behavior of car renters and buyers. We analyzed competitor sites and identified gaps in the market.
  2. Branding & Design System: Using the insights gathered, we revamped City Car branding to resonate with their target audience. A design system was introduced to ensure consistency and scalability.
  3. Web Design: With a mobile-first approach, we designed a website that’s visually appealing and intuitive. The design incorporated immersive visuals of cars, customer testimonials, and clear call-to-actions.
  4. Web Development: We leveraged WordPress to provide a robust and easy-to-manage backend. A custom booking system was integrated to streamline the rent-a-car process.
  5. Brand Strategy: To ensure long-term online engagement, we devised a brand strategy that emphasized community involvement, highlighted special promotions, and leveraged content marketing to position City Car as a thought leader in the automotive industry.

The Results

  1. Increased Web Traffic: Within three months of launching the new site, City Car saw a 65% increase in organic web traffic.
  2. Higher Conversion Rates: The user-friendly design and efficient booking system contributed to a 50% increase in online bookings and inquiries.
  3. Enhanced Brand Recognition: With a cohesive design and brand strategy in place, City Car reinforced their reputation as a premium car dealership and rent-a-car service.
  4. Positive User Feedback: Customer reviews highlighted the site’s ease of use, aesthetic appeal, and the seamless booking experience.


Decrease in bounce rate


Increase in average session duration


Increase in page views